Free Marketing Tool

Social Media and Marketing Idea Generator

Five randomly-generated ideas:

  • Share a Youtube video of something that's really funny (via or Best of Youtube).
  • Ask people what they've done lately that's funny or amusing.
  • Find a previous article you've written and repackage it in question / answer format. Then post it on your blog and share it.
  • Figure out where your best customers hang out online.
  • Create a Facebook photo album showing the results of your work.

Generate Five More

Follow-Up Tips:

  • Follow up frequently to see how your posts are coming along and comment on any responses.
  • Measure the results of what you're doing. Use your website analytics!
  • If you think your efforts could have worked better, take notes on why you think so, and try a different approach later.
  • If things went well, make a note to revisit the technique again soon.